10:22:44,209 INFO loader: kernel command line: 10:22:44,210 INFO loader: nomodeset 10:22:44,210 DEBUG loader: readNetInfo /tmp/s390net not found, early return 10:22:44,228 INFO loader: anaconda version 16.25 on x86_64 starting 10:22:44,242 INFO loader: 33030144 kB (32256 MB) are available 10:22:44,242 INFO loader: 33030144 kB (32256 MB) are available 10:22:47,422 DEBUG loader: going to set language to en_US.UTF-8 10:22:47,422 DEBUG loader: locale en_US.UTF-8: base: en_US, mod: (null), charset: UTF-8 10:22:47,422 INFO loader: going to prepare locales for en_US.UTF-8 (locale: en_US, charset: UTF-8) 10:22:47,997 INFO loader: setting language to en_US.UTF-8 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module iscsi_ibft 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module iscsi_boot_sysfs 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module pcspkr 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module iscsi_tcp 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module libiscsi_tcp 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module libiscsi 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module scsi_transport_iscsi 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module cramfs 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module nouveau 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module ttm 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module drm_kms_helper 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module drm 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module i2c_algo_bit 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module firewire_ohci 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module i2c_core 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module firewire_core 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module mxm_wmi 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module e1000e 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module wmi 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module video 10:22:48,004 DEBUG loader: Saving module crc_itu_t 10:22:48,005 DEBUG loader: Saving module squashfs 10:22:48,006 DEBUG loader: probing buses 10:22:48,031 DEBUG loader: waiting for hardware to initialize 10:22:49,395 INFO loader: restarting NetworkManager 10:22:49,807 INFO loader: trying to mount CD device /dev/sr0 on /mnt/install/source 10:22:49,811 INFO loader: drive status is CDS_DISC_OK 10:22:49,839 DEBUG loader: Found installation media, so skipping lang and kbd 10:22:53,862 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_LANG 10:22:53,862 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_KBD 10:22:53,862 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_METHOD 10:22:53,862 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_DRIVER 10:22:53,862 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_NETWORK 10:22:53,862 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_EXTRAS 10:22:53,863 DEBUG loader: in STEP_EXTRAS, method = METHOD_CDROM 10:22:53,863 DEBUG loader: looking for extras for CD/DVD install 10:22:54,331 INFO loader: Running anaconda script /usr/sbin/anaconda 10:22:54,999 INFO anaconda: /usr/sbin/anaconda 16.25 10:22:55,577 INFO loader: 33030144 kB (32256 MB) are available 10:22:55,593 INFO anaconda: anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda', '--graphical', '--selinux', '--repo', 'cdrom:///dev/sr0:/mnt/install/source'] 10:22:55,594 INFO anaconda: Default encoding = utf-8 10:22:55,616 INFO anaconda: Display mode = g 10:22:55,619 INFO loader: 33030144 kB (32256 MB) are available 10:22:56,521 DEBUG anaconda: X server has signalled a successful start. 10:22:56,525 INFO anaconda: Starting window manager, pid 1186. 10:22:56,525 INFO anaconda.stdout: Starting graphical installation. 10:22:57,154 INFO anaconda: using only installclass _Fedora 10:22:57,155 INFO anaconda: Detected 32160M of memory 10:22:57,155 INFO anaconda: Swap attempt of 1024M to 34208M 10:22:57,723 INFO anaconda: dispatch: resetting to the first step. 10:22:57,724 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step sshd 10:22:57,724 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: sshd is a direct step 10:22:57,724 INFO anaconda: sshd: not enabled, skipping. 10:22:57,726 INFO anaconda: created new libuser.conf at /tmp/libuser.YtyAmk with instPath="/mnt/sysimage" 10:22:57,726 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step sshd 10:22:57,727 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step language 10:23:01,351 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step language 10:23:01,351 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step keyboard 10:23:02,300 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step keyboard 10:23:02,300 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step filtertype 10:23:03,647 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step filtertype 10:23:03,648 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step filter 10:23:03,660 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: the interface chose not to display step filter. 10:23:03,660 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step filter 10:23:03,660 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step storageinit 10:23:03,661 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: storageinit is a direct step 10:23:03,703 INFO anaconda: ISCSID is /sbin/iscsid 10:23:03,703 INFO anaconda: no initiator set 10:23:03,758 INFO anaconda: No FCoE EDD info found: No FCoE boot disk information is found in EDD! 10:23:03,759 INFO anaconda: no /etc/zfcp.conf; not configuring zfcp 10:23:24,007 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step storageinit 10:23:24,007 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step findrootparts 10:23:24,007 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: findrootparts is a direct step 10:23:24,009 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/sdb2 on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options ro 10:23:24,017 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:umount()- going to unmount /mnt/sysimage, removeDir = False 10:23:24,140 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/loop1 on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options ro 10:23:26,568 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/mapper/luks-90b62457-7069-44a1-82bc-b76cb10b56e6 on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options ro 10:23:26,584 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:umount()- going to unmount /mnt/sysimage, removeDir = False 10:23:29,542 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/mapper/luks-3641142e-0ed5-4b4d-b7cc-c2a733685177 on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options ro 10:23:30,840 DEBUG anaconda: error [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/mnt/sysimage/var/lib/rpm/__db.002' removing file: /mnt/sysimage/var/lib/rpm/__db.002 10:23:30,841 DEBUG anaconda: error [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/mnt/sysimage/var/lib/rpm/__db.004' removing file: /mnt/sysimage/var/lib/rpm/__db.004 10:23:30,841 DEBUG anaconda: error [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/mnt/sysimage/var/lib/rpm/__db.001' removing file: /mnt/sysimage/var/lib/rpm/__db.001 10:23:30,841 DEBUG anaconda: error [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/mnt/sysimage/var/lib/rpm/__db.003' removing file: /mnt/sysimage/var/lib/rpm/__db.003 10:23:30,872 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:umount()- going to unmount /mnt/sysimage, removeDir = False 10:23:31,456 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step findrootparts 10:23:31,456 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step findinstall 10:23:38,207 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step findinstall 10:23:38,207 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step network 10:24:17,479 INFO anaconda: setting installation environment hostname to river.tirfa.net 10:24:17,490 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step network 10:24:17,491 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step timezone 10:24:17,615 INFO anaconda: set timezone: America/New_York, utc: 0 10:24:22,335 INFO anaconda: set timezone: America/Denver, utc: 0 10:24:22,336 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step timezone 10:24:22,336 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step accounts 10:24:31,779 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step accounts 10:24:31,780 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step setuptime 10:24:31,780 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: setuptime is a direct step 03:24:33,001 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step setuptime 03:24:33,002 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step parttype 03:24:52,063 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: Can not reschedule step 'bootloader' from 'skipped' to 'requested' 03:24:52,064 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step parttype 03:24:52,064 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step cleardiskssel 03:24:58,544 INFO anaconda: no initiator set 03:25:01,039 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step cleardiskssel 03:25:01,040 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step autopartitionexecute 03:25:01,040 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: autopartitionexecute is a direct step 03:25:02,026 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step autopartitionexecute 03:25:02,026 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step partition 03:25:19,541 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:25:27,828 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:25:32,233 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:25:32,234 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sda4'] 03:25:32,234 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_swap'] 03:25:32,234 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': True, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_swap', 'originalFormat': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7dbe3690) -- type = luks name = Encrypted (LUKS) status = False device = /dev/mapper/luks-9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e uuid = 9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7abb0f50) -- type = luks name = Encrypted (LUKS) status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_storage-lv_swap uuid = 9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 32000.0} 03:25:32,235 DEBUG anaconda: luks: existing luks 03:25:32,235 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_swap... 03:25:32,242 DEBUG anaconda: new lv existing 32000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_storage-lv_swap (63) with existing luks 03:25:32,242 DEBUG anaconda: lv lv_swap already exists 03:25:32,242 DEBUG anaconda: format already exists 03:25:32,243 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:25:41,433 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:25:41,433 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sda4'] 03:25:41,434 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_swap'] 03:25:41,434 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': True, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_swap', 'originalFormat': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7dbe3690) -- type = luks name = Encrypted (LUKS) status = False device = /dev/mapper/luks-9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e uuid = 9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7d96b890) -- type = luks name = Encrypted (LUKS) status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_storage-lv_swap uuid = 9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 32000.0} 03:25:41,435 DEBUG anaconda: luks: existing luks 03:25:41,435 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_swap... 03:25:41,442 DEBUG anaconda: new lv existing 32000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_storage-lv_swap (70) with existing luks 03:25:41,442 DEBUG anaconda: lv lv_swap already exists 03:25:41,442 DEBUG anaconda: format already exists 03:25:41,442 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:25:53,057 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:25:58,289 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:26:22,506 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:26:22,507 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sda4'] 03:26:22,507 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_swap'] 03:26:22,509 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': False, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_swap', 'originalFormat': Ext4FS instance (0x7f8e7d95e950) -- type = ext4 name = ext4 status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_storage-LogVol00 uuid = None exists = None options = defaults supported = True formattable = True resizable = None mountpoint = None mountopts = None label = None size = 0 targetSize = 0 , 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7d95e8d0) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_storage-lv_swap uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = aes-xts-plain64 keySize = 512 mapName = None keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 33024L} 03:26:22,509 DEBUG anaconda: luks: non-existent swap 03:26:22,514 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 33024MB lvmlv tmp-vg_storage-lv_swap (84) with non-existent luks 03:26:22,514 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv lv_swap 03:26:22,521 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:26:45,089 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:26:45,089 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sdb3'] 03:26:45,089 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_home'] 03:26:45,090 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': None, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_root', 'originalFormat': Ext4FS instance (0x7f8e7dd5e950) -- type = ext4 name = ext4 status = False device = /dev/mapper/vg_river-lv_root uuid = None exists = None options = defaults supported = True formattable = True resizable = None mountpoint = / mountopts = None label = None size = 0 targetSize = 0 , 'format': Ext4FS instance (0x7f8e7abc8190) -- type = ext4 name = ext4 status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-lv_root uuid = None exists = None options = defaults supported = True formattable = True resizable = None mountpoint = / mountopts = None label = None size = 0 targetSize = 0 , 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 51200L} 03:26:45,091 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': None, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_home', 'originalFormat': Ext4FS instance (0x7f8e7dd5f150) -- type = ext4 name = ext4 status = False device = /dev/mapper/vg_river-lv_home uuid = None exists = None options = defaults supported = True formattable = True resizable = None mountpoint = /home mountopts = None label = None size = 0 targetSize = 0 , 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7d96bb10) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-lv_home uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = aes-xts-plain64 keySize = 512 mapName = None keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 100000L} 03:26:45,091 DEBUG anaconda: luks: non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at /home 03:26:45,091 DEBUG anaconda: non-existing vg -- setting up lvs, pvs, name, pesize 03:26:45,092 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_root... 03:26:45,092 DEBUG anaconda: removing lv lv_root 03:26:45,093 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_home... 03:26:45,093 DEBUG anaconda: removing lv lv_home 03:26:45,099 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 51200MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-lv_root (97) with non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at / 03:26:45,099 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv lv_root 03:26:45,102 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 100000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-lv_home (98) with non-existent luks 03:26:45,102 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv lv_home 03:26:45,111 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:26:48,800 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:26:48,800 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sdb3'] 03:26:48,800 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_root', 'lv_home'] 03:26:48,800 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': None, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_root', 'originalFormat': DeviceFormat instance (0x7f8e7d980cd0) -- type = None name = Unknown status = None device = /dev/mapper/vg_river-lv_root uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = False resizable = False , 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7d980c10) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-lv_root uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = aes-xts-plain64 keySize = 512 mapName = None keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 51200L} 03:26:48,801 DEBUG anaconda: luks: non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at / 03:26:48,801 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': None, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_home', 'originalFormat': DeviceFormat instance (0x7f8e7d980e10) -- type = None name = Unknown status = None device = /dev/mapper/vg_river-lv_home uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = False resizable = False , 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7abc81d0) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-lv_home uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = aes-xts-plain64 keySize = 512 mapName = luks-vg_river-lv_home keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 100000L} 03:26:48,801 DEBUG anaconda: luks: non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at /home 03:26:48,801 DEBUG anaconda: non-existing vg -- setting up lvs, pvs, name, pesize 03:26:48,801 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_root... 03:26:48,802 DEBUG anaconda: removing lv lv_root 03:26:48,802 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_home... 03:26:48,802 DEBUG anaconda: removing lv lv_home 03:26:48,809 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 51200MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-lv_root (112) with non-existent luks 03:26:48,809 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv lv_root 03:26:48,815 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 100000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-lv_home (113) with non-existent luks 03:26:48,815 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv lv_home 03:26:48,825 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:27:01,649 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:27:01,649 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sdb3'] 03:27:01,649 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_root', 'lv_home'] 03:27:01,649 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': None, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_root', 'originalFormat': DeviceFormat instance (0x7f8e7d98cf90) -- type = None name = Unknown status = None device = /dev/mapper/vg_river-lv_root uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = False resizable = False , 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7d95e3d0) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-lv_root uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = aes-xts-plain64 keySize = 512 mapName = luks-vg_river-lv_root keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 60000L} 03:27:01,649 DEBUG anaconda: luks: non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at / 03:27:01,649 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': None, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_home', 'originalFormat': DeviceFormat instance (0x7f8e7d98b350) -- type = None name = Unknown status = None device = /dev/mapper/vg_river-lv_home uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = False resizable = False , 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7d98cf50) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-lv_home uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = aes-xts-plain64 keySize = 512 mapName = luks-vg_river-lv_home keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 100000L} 03:27:01,649 DEBUG anaconda: luks: non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at /home 03:27:01,649 DEBUG anaconda: non-existing vg -- setting up lvs, pvs, name, pesize 03:27:01,650 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_root... 03:27:01,650 DEBUG anaconda: removing lv lv_root 03:27:01,652 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_home... 03:27:01,652 DEBUG anaconda: removing lv lv_home 03:27:01,659 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 60000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-lv_root (129) with non-existent luks 03:27:01,659 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv lv_root 03:27:01,664 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 100000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-lv_home (130) with non-existent luks 03:27:01,664 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv lv_home 03:27:01,676 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:27:37,490 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:27:39,039 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step partition 03:27:39,039 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step autopartitionexecute 03:27:39,040 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: autopartitionexecute is a direct step 03:27:39,049 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step autopartitionexecute 03:27:39,049 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step cleardiskssel 03:27:40,342 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step cleardiskssel 03:27:40,343 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step parttype 03:27:44,568 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step parttype 03:27:44,569 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step cleardiskssel 03:27:47,375 INFO anaconda: no initiator set 03:27:49,647 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step cleardiskssel 03:27:49,647 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step autopartitionexecute 03:27:49,647 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: autopartitionexecute is a direct step 03:27:50,626 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step autopartitionexecute 03:27:50,626 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step storagedone 03:27:50,626 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: storagedone is a direct step 03:27:54,279 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step storagedone 03:27:54,280 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step autopartitionexecute 03:27:54,280 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: autopartitionexecute is a direct step 03:27:54,283 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step autopartitionexecute 03:27:54,283 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step cleardiskssel 03:27:55,822 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step cleardiskssel 03:27:55,823 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step parttype 03:27:58,417 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: Can not reschedule step 'bootloader' from 'skipped' to 'requested' 03:27:58,417 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step parttype 03:27:58,418 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step cleardiskssel 03:28:01,522 INFO anaconda: no initiator set 03:28:03,828 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step cleardiskssel 03:28:03,829 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step autopartitionexecute 03:28:03,829 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: autopartitionexecute is a direct step 03:28:04,754 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step autopartitionexecute 03:28:04,754 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step partition 03:34:44,921 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:34:46,450 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=None 03:34:47,956 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:34:55,764 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:35:06,250 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:37:00,139 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=None 03:37:06,339 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:37:07,939 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=None 03:37:12,801 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:41:46,126 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=None 03:41:46,973 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:41:47,954 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step partition 03:41:47,954 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step autopartitionexecute 03:41:47,955 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: autopartitionexecute is a direct step 03:41:47,960 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step autopartitionexecute 03:41:47,960 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step cleardiskssel 03:41:49,281 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step cleardiskssel 03:41:49,282 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step parttype 03:41:52,779 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: Can not reschedule step 'bootloader' from 'skipped' to 'requested' 03:41:52,779 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step parttype 03:41:52,779 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step cleardiskssel 03:41:56,252 INFO anaconda: no initiator set 03:42:05,892 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step cleardiskssel 03:42:05,892 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step partition 03:42:13,941 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:42:17,399 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:42:21,116 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:42:21,116 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sda4'] 03:42:21,117 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_swap'] 03:42:21,117 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': True, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_swap', 'originalFormat': LUKS instance (0x2c9de50) -- type = luks name = Encrypted (LUKS) status = False device = /dev/mapper/luks-9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e uuid = 9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7dd63150) -- type = luks name = Encrypted (LUKS) status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_storage-lv_swap uuid = 9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-9e9ce878-ea34-4eee-932e-fb41379cbb0e keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 32000.0} 03:42:21,117 DEBUG anaconda: luks: existing luks 03:42:21,118 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_swap... 03:42:21,123 DEBUG anaconda: new lv existing 32000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_storage-lv_swap (220) with existing luks 03:42:21,123 DEBUG anaconda: lv lv_swap already exists 03:42:21,123 DEBUG anaconda: format already exists 03:42:21,123 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:42:24,659 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:42:41,460 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:42:41,460 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sda4'] 03:42:41,460 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_swap'] 03:42:41,461 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': False, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_swap', 'originalFormat': Ext4FS instance (0x7f8e7dbc9490) -- type = ext4 name = ext4 status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_storage-LogVol00 uuid = None exists = None options = defaults supported = True formattable = True resizable = None mountpoint = None mountopts = None label = None size = 0 targetSize = 0 , 'format': LUKS instance (0x2c8fe90) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_storage-lv_swap uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = aes-xts-plain64 keySize = 512 mapName = None keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 33024L} 03:42:41,461 DEBUG anaconda: luks: non-existent swap 03:42:41,465 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 33024MB lvmlv tmp-vg_storage-lv_swap (229) with non-existent luks 03:42:41,465 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv lv_swap 03:42:41,472 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:42:48,699 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:42:48,699 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sdb3'] 03:42:48,699 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_root', 'lv_home'] 03:42:48,700 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': True, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_root', 'originalFormat': LUKS instance (0x2c9d510) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/vg_river-lv_root uuid = 3641142e-0ed5-4b4d-b7cc-c2a733685177 exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-3641142e-0ed5-4b4d-b7cc-c2a733685177 keyFile = None passphrase = (set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7dbd8e90) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-lv_root uuid = 3641142e-0ed5-4b4d-b7cc-c2a733685177 exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-3641142e-0ed5-4b4d-b7cc-c2a733685177 keyFile = None passphrase = (set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 60000.0} 03:42:48,700 DEBUG anaconda: luks: existing ext4 filesystem 03:42:48,700 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': True, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_home', 'originalFormat': LUKS instance (0x2c9d0d0) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/vg_river-lv_home uuid = 90b62457-7069-44a1-82bc-b76cb10b56e6 exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-90b62457-7069-44a1-82bc-b76cb10b56e6 keyFile = None passphrase = (set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7dbd8c50) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-lv_home uuid = 90b62457-7069-44a1-82bc-b76cb10b56e6 exists = True options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = None keySize = None mapName = luks-90b62457-7069-44a1-82bc-b76cb10b56e6 keyFile = None passphrase = (set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 100000.0} 03:42:48,700 DEBUG anaconda: luks: existing ext4 filesystem 03:42:48,700 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_home... 03:42:48,700 DEBUG anaconda: old lv lv_root... 03:42:48,706 DEBUG anaconda: new lv existing 60000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-lv_root (240) with existing luks 03:42:48,706 DEBUG anaconda: lv lv_root already exists 03:42:48,707 DEBUG anaconda: format already exists 03:42:48,707 DEBUG anaconda: new lv existing 100000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-lv_home (241) with existing luks 03:42:48,707 DEBUG anaconda: lv lv_home already exists 03:42:48,708 DEBUG anaconda: format already exists 03:42:48,708 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:43:05,834 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:43:11,019 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:43:14,896 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:43:17,915 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:43:30,154 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:43:37,554 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:43:48,865 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=False 03:44:32,997 DEBUG anaconda: finished editing vg 03:44:32,998 DEBUG anaconda: pvs: ['sdb3'] 03:44:32,998 DEBUG anaconda: luks: ['lv_root', 'LogVol01'] 03:44:32,999 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': False, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'lv_root', 'originalFormat': Ext4FS instance (0x7f8e7dbd4990) -- type = ext4 name = ext4 status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-LogVol00 uuid = None exists = None options = defaults supported = True formattable = True resizable = None mountpoint = None mountopts = None label = None size = 0 targetSize = 0 , 'format': LUKS instance (0x7f8e7dd50d10) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-lv_root uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = aes-xts-plain64 keySize = 512 mapName = None keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 100000L} 03:44:32,999 DEBUG anaconda: luks: non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at / 03:44:33,000 DEBUG anaconda: lv {'exists': False, 'snapshotSpace': 0, 'name': 'LogVol01', 'originalFormat': Ext4FS instance (0x2cba810) -- type = ext4 name = ext4 status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-LogVol01 uuid = None exists = None options = defaults supported = True formattable = True resizable = None mountpoint = None mountopts = None label = None size = 0 targetSize = 0 , 'format': LUKS instance (0x2cba690) -- type = luks name = LUKS status = False device = /dev/mapper/tmp--vg_river-LogVol01 uuid = None exists = None options = None supported = False formattable = True resizable = False cipher = aes-xts-plain64 keySize = 512 mapName = None keyFile = None passphrase = (not set) escrowCert = None addBackup = False, 'stripes': 1, 'logSize': 0, 'size': 70016L} 03:44:33,000 DEBUG anaconda: luks: non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at /home 03:44:33,000 DEBUG anaconda: non-existing vg -- setting up lvs, pvs, name, pesize 03:44:33,007 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 100000MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-lv_root (274) with non-existent luks 03:44:33,007 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv lv_root 03:44:33,013 DEBUG anaconda: new lv non-existent 70016MB lvmlv tmp-vg_river-LogVol01 (275) with non-existent luks 03:44:33,013 DEBUG anaconda: creating lv LogVol01 03:44:33,021 DEBUG anaconda: refresh: justRedraw=True 03:44:58,017 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step partition 03:44:58,017 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step storagedone 03:44:58,017 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: storagedone is a direct step 03:45:08,800 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step storagedone 03:45:08,800 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step enablefilesystems 03:45:08,800 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: enablefilesystems is a direct step 03:45:17,985 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/sdb3 03:45:19,554 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/sdb3 03:45:23,476 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/dm-1 03:45:26,662 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/dm-2 03:45:30,333 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/dm-3 03:45:33,537 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/dm-4 03:45:33,800 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/sdb2 03:45:33,986 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/sdb1 03:45:37,766 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/dm-5 03:45:40,509 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/mapper/luks-a373ca1b-cd35-404a-9aa0-e245f6289d29 on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options defaults 03:45:40,535 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/sdb2 on /mnt/sysimage/boot as ext4 with options defaults 03:45:40,550 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/sdb1 on /mnt/sysimage/boot/efi as vfat with options umask=0077,shortname=winnt 03:45:40,560 INFO anaconda: failed to set SELinux context for /mnt/sysimage/boot/efi: [Errno 95] Operation not supported 03:45:40,565 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev on /mnt/sysimage/dev as bind with options defaults,bind 03:45:40,580 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount devpts on /mnt/sysimage/dev/pts as devpts with options gid=5,mode=620 03:45:40,592 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount tmpfs on /mnt/sysimage/dev/shm as tmpfs with options defaults 03:45:40,604 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/mapper/luks-da561be7-6435-4cbc-abba-8a88531f8e69 on /mnt/sysimage/home as ext4 with options defaults 03:45:40,628 INFO anaconda: failed to get default SELinux context for /proc: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 03:45:40,628 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount proc on /mnt/sysimage/proc as proc with options defaults 03:45:40,635 INFO anaconda: failed to get default SELinux context for /proc: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 03:45:40,640 INFO anaconda: failed to get default SELinux context for /proc/bus/usb: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 03:45:40,640 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount usbfs on /mnt/sysimage/proc/bus/usb as usbfs with options defaults 03:45:40,648 INFO anaconda: failed to get default SELinux context for /proc/bus/usb: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 03:45:40,653 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount sysfs on /mnt/sysimage/sys as sysfs with options defaults 03:45:40,664 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount selinuxfs on /mnt/sysimage/sys/fs/selinux as selinuxfs with options defaults 03:45:40,672 INFO anaconda: failed to set SELinux context for /mnt/sysimage/sys/fs/selinux: [Errno 95] Operation not supported 03:45:40,673 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step enablefilesystems 03:45:40,673 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step reposetup 03:45:40,674 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: reposetup is a direct step 03:45:40,675 DEBUG anaconda: enabling new callback mode 03:45:44,163 INFO anaconda: set mediaid of repo Installation Repo to: 1320289812.276843 03:45:45,790 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step reposetup 03:45:45,790 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step tasksel 03:46:53,619 DEBUG anaconda: Grabbing https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=updates-released-f16&arch=x86_64 03:46:53,870 DEBUG anaconda: Grabbing http://chi-10g-1-mirror.fastsoft.net/pub/linux/fedora/linux/updates/16/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml 03:46:54,005 DEBUG anaconda: Grabbing http://chi-10g-1-mirror.fastsoft.net/pub/linux/fedora/linux/updates/16/x86_64/repodata/a2b0da2f953bb90e9a431e6fddd8fd8c78ad7972f9143ff397cccdeb5abeccbc-primary.sqlite.bz2 03:46:55,903 DEBUG anaconda: Grabbing http://chi-10g-1-mirror.fastsoft.net/pub/linux/fedora/linux/updates/16/x86_64/repodata/42adb7af84440de3dc29b6b787661bad12991af0b519425e5931b2e70fe1f3ee-comps-f16.xml 03:46:57,140 INFO anaconda: added (UI) repository Fedora 16 - x86_64 - Updates with source URL https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=updates-released-f16&arch=x86_64, id:updates 03:47:07,450 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step tasksel 03:47:07,450 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step basepkgsel 03:47:07,451 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: basepkgsel is a direct step 03:47:07,744 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step basepkgsel 03:47:07,744 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step postselection 03:47:07,744 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: postselection is a direct step 03:47:07,751 INFO anaconda: selected kernel package for kernel 03:47:08,513 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/xfs/xfs.ko.gz 03:47:08,513 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/btrfs/btrfs.ko.gz 03:47:08,514 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/lib/zlib_deflate/zlib_deflate.ko.gz 03:47:08,514 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/lib/libcrc32c.ko.gz 03:47:08,514 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/fat/vfat.ko.gz 03:47:08,514 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/fat/fat.ko.gz 03:47:08,514 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/fcoe/fcoe.ko.gz 03:47:08,515 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/fcoe/libfcoe.ko.gz 03:47:08,515 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/libfc/libfc.ko.gz 03:47:08,515 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_fc.ko.gz 03:47:08,515 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/scsi_tgt.ko.gz 03:47:08,515 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/xts.ko.gz 03:47:08,515 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/lrw.ko.gz 03:47:08,516 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/gf128mul.ko.gz 03:47:08,516 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/sha256_generic.ko.gz 03:47:08,516 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/dm-crypt.ko.gz 03:47:08,516 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/dm-round-robin.ko.gz 03:47:08,516 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/dm-multipath.ko.gz 03:47:08,517 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/linear.ko.gz 03:47:08,517 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/raid10.ko.gz 03:47:08,517 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/raid456.ko.gz 03:47:08,517 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_raid6_recov.ko.gz 03:47:08,517 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_pq.ko.gz 03:47:08,518 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/lib/raid6/raid6_pq.ko.gz 03:47:08,518 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_xor.ko.gz 03:47:08,518 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/xor.ko.gz 03:47:08,518 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_memcpy.ko.gz 03:47:08,518 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_tx.ko.gz 03:47:08,519 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/raid1.ko.gz 03:47:08,519 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/raid0.ko.gz 03:47:08,519 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/firmware/iscsi_ibft.ko.gz 03:47:08,519 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/iscsi_boot_sysfs.ko.gz 03:47:08,519 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/input/misc/pcspkr.ko.gz 03:47:08,519 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.ko.gz 03:47:08,520 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.ko.gz 03:47:08,520 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/libiscsi.ko.gz 03:47:08,520 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.ko.gz 03:47:08,520 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/cramfs/cramfs.ko.gz 03:47:08,520 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko.gz 03:47:08,521 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm.ko.gz 03:47:08,521 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_kms_helper.ko.gz 03:47:08,521 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm.ko.gz 03:47:08,521 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/i2c/algos/i2c-algo-bit.ko.gz 03:47:08,521 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/firewire/firewire-ohci.ko.gz 03:47:08,522 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-core.ko.gz 03:47:08,522 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/firewire/firewire-core.ko.gz 03:47:08,522 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/mxm-wmi.ko.gz 03:47:08,522 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/e1000e/e1000e.ko.gz 03:47:08,522 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/wmi.ko.gz 03:47:08,522 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/acpi/video.ko.gz 03:47:08,523 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/lib/crc-itu-t.ko.gz 03:47:08,523 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/squashfs/squashfs.ko.gz 03:47:11,318 WARN anaconda: libreport-plugin-bodhi-2.0.8-4.fc16.x86_64 requires libjson.so.0()(64bit) 03:47:11,319 WARN anaconda: libass-0.10.0-1.fc16.x86_64 requires libfribidi.so.0()(64bit) 03:47:11,319 WARN anaconda: alsa-utils-1.0.25-7.fc16.x86_64 requires alsa-lib >= 1.0.25 03:47:11,319 WARN anaconda: 1:java-1.6.0-openjdk- requires xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 03:47:11,319 WARN anaconda: xorg-x11-drv-evdev- requires mtdev 03:47:17,581 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step postselection 03:47:17,582 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step basepkgsel 03:47:17,582 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: basepkgsel is a direct step 03:47:17,778 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (-1) step basepkgsel 03:47:17,778 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (-1) to step tasksel 03:47:21,082 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step tasksel 03:47:21,082 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step basepkgsel 03:47:21,083 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: basepkgsel is a direct step 03:47:21,220 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step basepkgsel 03:47:21,221 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step postselection 03:47:21,221 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: postselection is a direct step 03:47:21,226 INFO anaconda: selected kernel package for kernel 03:47:22,021 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/xfs/xfs.ko.gz 03:47:22,021 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/btrfs/btrfs.ko.gz 03:47:22,021 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/lib/zlib_deflate/zlib_deflate.ko.gz 03:47:22,021 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/lib/libcrc32c.ko.gz 03:47:22,022 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/fat/vfat.ko.gz 03:47:22,022 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/fat/fat.ko.gz 03:47:22,022 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/fcoe/fcoe.ko.gz 03:47:22,022 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/fcoe/libfcoe.ko.gz 03:47:22,022 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/libfc/libfc.ko.gz 03:47:22,023 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_fc.ko.gz 03:47:22,023 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/scsi_tgt.ko.gz 03:47:22,023 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/xts.ko.gz 03:47:22,023 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/lrw.ko.gz 03:47:22,023 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/gf128mul.ko.gz 03:47:22,023 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/sha256_generic.ko.gz 03:47:22,024 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/dm-crypt.ko.gz 03:47:22,024 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/dm-round-robin.ko.gz 03:47:22,024 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/dm-multipath.ko.gz 03:47:22,024 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/linear.ko.gz 03:47:22,024 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/raid10.ko.gz 03:47:22,025 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/raid456.ko.gz 03:47:22,025 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_raid6_recov.ko.gz 03:47:22,025 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_pq.ko.gz 03:47:22,025 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/lib/raid6/raid6_pq.ko.gz 03:47:22,025 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_xor.ko.gz 03:47:22,026 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/xor.ko.gz 03:47:22,026 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_memcpy.ko.gz 03:47:22,026 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/crypto/async_tx/async_tx.ko.gz 03:47:22,026 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/raid1.ko.gz 03:47:22,026 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/md/raid0.ko.gz 03:47:22,027 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/firmware/iscsi_ibft.ko.gz 03:47:22,027 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/iscsi_boot_sysfs.ko.gz 03:47:22,027 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/input/misc/pcspkr.ko.gz 03:47:22,027 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/iscsi_tcp.ko.gz 03:47:22,027 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/libiscsi_tcp.ko.gz 03:47:22,028 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/libiscsi.ko.gz 03:47:22,028 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.ko.gz 03:47:22,028 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/cramfs/cramfs.ko.gz 03:47:22,028 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko.gz 03:47:22,028 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm.ko.gz 03:47:22,029 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_kms_helper.ko.gz 03:47:22,029 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm.ko.gz 03:47:22,029 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/i2c/algos/i2c-algo-bit.ko.gz 03:47:22,029 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/firewire/firewire-ohci.ko.gz 03:47:22,029 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-core.ko.gz 03:47:22,030 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/firewire/firewire-core.ko.gz 03:47:22,030 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/mxm-wmi.ko.gz 03:47:22,030 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/e1000e/e1000e.ko.gz 03:47:22,030 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/wmi.ko.gz 03:47:22,030 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/drivers/acpi/video.ko.gz 03:47:22,031 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/lib/crc-itu-t.ko.gz 03:47:22,031 DEBUG anaconda: Checking for DUD module /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/kernel/fs/squashfs/squashfs.ko.gz 03:47:26,419 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step postselection 03:47:26,419 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step install 03:47:26,437 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step install 03:47:26,438 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step preinstallconfig 03:47:26,439 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: preinstallconfig is a direct step 03:47:26,466 INFO anaconda: Backend logger started. 03:47:26,474 INFO anaconda: copy_to_sysimage: source '/etc/multipath/wwids' does not exist. 03:47:26,482 INFO anaconda: copy_to_sysimage: source '/etc/multipath/wwids' does not exist. 03:47:26,482 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step preinstallconfig 03:47:26,482 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step installpackages 03:47:26,483 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: installpackages is a direct step 03:47:26,483 INFO anaconda: Preparing to install packages 03:56:47,177 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step installpackages 03:56:47,178 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step postinstallconfig 03:56:47,178 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: postinstallconfig is a direct step 03:56:47,195 INFO anaconda: Backend logger stopped. 03:56:47,195 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step postinstallconfig 03:56:47,195 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step writeconfig 03:56:47,195 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: writeconfig is a direct step 03:56:47,195 INFO anaconda: Writing main configuration 03:56:47,209 INFO anaconda: removing libuser.conf at /tmp/libuser.YtyAmk 03:56:47,209 INFO anaconda: created new libuser.conf at /tmp/libuser.YtyAmk with instPath="/mnt/sysimage" 03:56:47,735 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step writeconfig 03:56:47,736 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step firstboot 03:56:47,736 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: firstboot is a direct step 03:56:47,737 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step firstboot 03:56:47,737 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step instbootloader 03:56:47,737 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: instbootloader is a direct step 03:56:48,356 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step instbootloader 03:56:48,356 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step reipl 03:56:48,356 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: reipl is a direct step 03:56:48,356 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step reipl 03:56:48,356 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step writeksconfig 03:56:48,356 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: writeksconfig is a direct step 03:56:48,356 INFO anaconda: Writing autokickstart file 03:56:48,506 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step writeksconfig 03:56:48,506 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step setfilecon 03:56:48,506 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: setfilecon is a direct step 03:56:48,506 INFO anaconda: setting SELinux contexts for anaconda created files 03:56:48,525 INFO anaconda: failed to get default SELinux context for /etc/mtab: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 03:56:52,257 WARN anaconda: /mnt/sysimage/etc/iscsi doesn't exist 03:56:52,257 WARN anaconda: /mnt/sysimage/var/lib/iscsi doesn't exist 03:56:52,288 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step setfilecon 03:56:52,288 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step copylogs 03:56:52,288 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: copylogs is a direct step 03:56:52,288 INFO anaconda: Copying anaconda logs 03:56:52,291 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step copylogs 03:56:52,291 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step methodcomplete 03:56:52,291 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: methodcomplete is a direct step 03:56:58,026 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step methodcomplete 03:56:58,027 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step postscripts 03:56:58,027 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: postscripts is a direct step 03:56:58,028 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step postscripts 03:56:58,028 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step dopostaction 03:56:58,028 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: dopostaction is a direct step 03:56:58,070 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step dopostaction 03:56:58,070 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step complete