13:58:15,262 INFO anaconda: /usr/sbin/anaconda 17.14 13:58:19,231 INFO anaconda: 4063232 kB (3968 MB) are available 13:58:19,232 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:3968, needed:768, graphical:768 13:58:19,278 INFO anaconda: anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda'] 13:58:19,279 INFO anaconda: Default encoding = utf-8 13:58:19,337 INFO anaconda: Display mode = g 13:58:19,339 INFO anaconda: 4063232 kB (3968 MB) are available 13:58:19,339 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:3968, needed:768, graphical:768 13:58:20,553 DEBUG anaconda: X server has signalled a successful start. 13:58:20,566 INFO anaconda: Starting window manager, pid 538. 13:58:20,567 INFO anaconda.stdout: Starting graphical installation. 13:58:21,777 INFO anaconda: using only installclass _Fedora 13:58:21,779 INFO anaconda: Detected 3920M of memory 13:58:21,779 INFO anaconda: Swap attempt of 1024M to 5968M 13:58:22,487 DEBUG anaconda: display: (['DVI-0', 'connected', '1280x1024+0+0', '(normal', 'left', 'inverted', 'right', 'x', 'axis', 'y', 'axis)', '380mm', 'x', '300mm'],) 13:58:22,488 INFO anaconda: Setting window size to 1280x1024 13:58:23,996 INFO anaconda: dispatch: resetting to the first step. 13:58:23,998 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step sshd 13:58:23,998 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: sshd is a direct step 13:58:23,998 INFO anaconda: sshd: not enabled, skipping. 13:58:24,000 INFO anaconda: created new libuser.conf at /tmp/libuser.fGAsY5 with instPath="/mnt/sysimage" 13:58:24,000 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step sshd 13:58:24,001 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step language 14:00:21,686 INFO anaconda: set timezone: America/New_York, utc: 0 14:00:21,687 INFO anaconda: set timezone: America/New_York, utc: 0 14:00:21,835 DEBUG anaconda: display: (['DVI-0', 'connected', '1280x1024+0+0', '(normal', 'left', 'inverted', 'right', 'x', 'axis', 'y', 'axis)', '380mm', 'x', '300mm'],) 14:00:21,836 INFO anaconda: Setting window size to 1280x1024 14:00:21,842 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step language 14:00:21,843 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step keyboard 14:00:23,542 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step keyboard 14:00:23,543 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step betanag 14:00:23,544 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: betanag is a direct step 14:00:25,434 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step betanag 14:00:25,434 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step filtertype 14:00:31,488 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step filtertype 14:00:31,489 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step filter 14:00:31,538 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: the interface chose not to display step filter. 14:00:31,539 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step filter 14:00:31,539 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step storageinit 14:00:31,539 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: storageinit is a direct step 14:00:32,052 INFO anaconda: No FCoE EDD info found: No FCoE boot disk information is found in EDD! 14:00:32,052 INFO anaconda: no /etc/zfcp.conf; not configuring zfcp 14:00:33,122 DEBUG anaconda: required disklabel type for sdb (1) is None 14:00:33,122 DEBUG anaconda: default disklabel type for sdb is gpt 14:00:33,123 DEBUG anaconda: selecting gpt disklabel for sdb based on size 14:00:34,311 DEBUG anaconda: required disklabel type for sda (1) is None 14:00:34,312 DEBUG anaconda: default disklabel type for sda is gpt 14:00:34,313 DEBUG anaconda: selecting gpt disklabel for sda based on size 14:00:40,768 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step storageinit 14:00:40,768 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step findrootparts 14:00:40,769 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: findrootparts is a direct step 14:00:40,776 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/sdb1 on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options ro 14:00:40,826 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:umount()- going to unmount /mnt/sysimage, removeDir = False 14:00:41,010 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/sda2 on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options ro 14:00:41,075 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:umount()- going to unmount /mnt/sysimage, removeDir = False 14:00:41,297 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/loop1 on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options ro 14:00:41,806 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/mapper/vg_testhost64-lv_root on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options ro 14:00:41,901 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:umount()- going to unmount /mnt/sysimage, removeDir = False 14:00:43,168 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step findrootparts 14:00:43,169 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step network 14:00:56,456 INFO anaconda: setting installation environment hostname to testhost64.tirfa.net 14:00:56,500 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step network 14:00:56,501 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step timezone 14:01:03,241 INFO anaconda: set timezone: America/Denver, utc: 1 14:01:03,241 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step timezone 14:01:03,242 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step accounts 14:01:11,881 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step accounts 14:01:11,882 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step setuptime 14:01:11,883 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: setuptime is a direct step 08:01:13,003 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step setuptime 08:01:13,003 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step parttype 08:01:17,456 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step parttype 08:01:17,457 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step cleardiskssel 08:01:25,740 DEBUG anaconda: required disklabel type for sdb (1) is None 08:01:25,741 DEBUG anaconda: default disklabel type for sdb is gpt 08:01:25,742 DEBUG anaconda: selecting gpt disklabel for sdb based on size 08:01:26,478 DEBUG anaconda: required disklabel type for sda (1) is None 08:01:26,478 DEBUG anaconda: default disklabel type for sda is gpt 08:01:26,479 DEBUG anaconda: selecting gpt disklabel for sda based on size 08:01:29,174 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step cleardiskssel 08:01:29,175 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step autopartitionexecute 08:01:29,175 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: autopartitionexecute is a direct step 08:01:29,430 DEBUG anaconda: required disklabel type for sda (1) is None 08:01:29,430 DEBUG anaconda: default disklabel type for sda is gpt 08:01:29,430 DEBUG anaconda: selecting gpt disklabel for sda based on size 08:01:29,670 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step autopartitionexecute 08:01:29,670 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step storagedone 08:01:29,671 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: storagedone is a direct step 08:01:32,517 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step storagedone 08:01:32,517 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step enablefilesystems 08:01:32,517 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: enablefilesystems is a direct step 08:01:33,686 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/sda3 08:01:38,038 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/sda2 08:01:39,366 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/sda3 08:01:45,889 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/class/block/dm-2 08:01:46,272 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/mapper/vg_testhost64-lv_root on /mnt/sysimage as ext4 with options defaults 08:01:46,386 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev/sda2 on /mnt/sysimage/boot as ext4 with options defaults 08:01:46,463 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount /dev on /mnt/sysimage/dev as bind with options defaults,bind 08:01:46,513 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount devpts on /mnt/sysimage/dev/pts as devpts with options gid=5,mode=620 08:01:46,561 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount tmpfs on /mnt/sysimage/dev/shm as tmpfs with options defaults 08:01:46,614 INFO anaconda: failed to get default SELinux context for /proc: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 08:01:46,614 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount proc on /mnt/sysimage/proc as proc with options defaults 08:01:46,654 INFO anaconda: failed to get default SELinux context for /proc: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 08:01:46,660 INFO anaconda: failed to get default SELinux context for /proc/bus/usb: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 08:01:46,661 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount usbfs on /mnt/sysimage/proc/bus/usb as usbfs with options defaults 08:01:46,705 INFO anaconda: failed to get default SELinux context for /proc/bus/usb: [Errno 2] No such file or directory 08:01:46,723 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount sysfs on /mnt/sysimage/sys as sysfs with options defaults 08:01:46,770 DEBUG anaconda: isys.py:mount()- going to mount selinuxfs on /mnt/sysimage/sys/fs/selinux as selinuxfs with options defaults 08:01:46,811 INFO anaconda: failed to set SELinux context for /mnt/sysimage/sys/fs/selinux: [Errno 95] Operation not supported 08:01:46,813 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step enablefilesystems 08:01:46,813 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step reposetup 08:01:46,813 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: reposetup is a direct step 08:01:46,815 DEBUG anaconda: enabling new callback mode 08:01:46,828 DEBUG anaconda: notifying kernel of 'change' event on device /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata3/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sr0 08:01:51,962 DEBUG anaconda: Grabbing https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=fedora-17&arch=x86_64 08:01:53,088 DEBUG anaconda: Grabbing http://mirrors.nl.eu.kernel.org/fedora/development/17/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml 08:01:53,845 DEBUG anaconda: Grabbing http://mirrors.nl.eu.kernel.org/fedora/development/17/x86_64/os/repodata/bbd292bab98626bb8ed14ce910cb4f8b914133cf8c72fd6a2947b4a4434bdfb6-primary.sqlite.bz2 08:02:35,039 DEBUG anaconda: Grabbing http://mirrors.nl.eu.kernel.org/fedora/development/17/x86_64/os/repodata/667759ac5fdeb99e2ae891d378cde5302b82baa60a22759b77d410c0fa5b6052-comps-f17.xml.gz 08:02:45,816 DEBUG anaconda: Grabbing http://mirrors.nl.eu.kernel.org/fedora/development/17/x86_64/os/repodata/d8b245e0de064b7a0cf9c271c9ae38c21f179eda3ef6d1ea3c4c0e1e4704f65f-comps-f17.xml 08:02:59,484 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step reposetup 08:02:59,485 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step tasksel