Libtaskotron is one of the core components which make up the Taskotron system. Libtaskotron is responsible for running tasks written in Taskotron Task Formula Format.
While libtaskotron was designed for use with Fedora, the Fedora specific parts are isolated and the core should be usable with any recent Linux distribution.
Libtaskotron and Taskotron should be considered Alpha software. They are currently under very heavy development and will likely change until we stabilize the interfaces.
In theory, there is little that cannot be done in Taskotron; by design, it is a system and framework for running semi-arbitrary tasks. That being said, there is a limit to what we currently support. If there is some feature or language that you’d like to see added to Taskotron, let us know through Contact Us or filing a feature request (Bugs, Issues and Tasks).
Currently, the only language supported for tasks is Python. However, Taskotron is designed to work on text-based interactions between the runner and other units of work. Once the runner matures more, support for additional languages may be added.
A Taskotron task is made up of Directives which control what can be done in a task. See the list of available Directives to learn more about what is currently available.
In order to run any tasks locally, libtaskotron must first be installed. While not currently in the main Fedora repositories, it is available in a side repo which is updated as new versions are released. To enable this repo:
sudo curl \
-o /etc/yum.repos.d/tflink-taskotron-fedora-23.repo
The easiest way to get started is to install libtaskotron-core and all of the other modules with:
sudo yum install libtaskotron
Note: The permissions on several notable directories (e.g. /var/log/taskotron, /var/lib/taskotron/, /var/cache/taskotron) are set to 777. If desired, edit /etc/taskotron/taskotron.yaml and set these paths to directories with more appropriate permissions.
As functionality has been added to libtaskotron, we’ve started breaking up that functionality into modules to increase flexibility and shrink the minimal install profile. Each module is packaged separately for easy installation.
libtaskotron is composed of 3 modules - libtaskotron-core, libtaskotron-fedora and libtaskotron-disposable.
The bits needed to enable execution with disposable clients. Local-only execution is still possible without this module but it was separated off to reduce the minimal installation profile when the functionality is not needed.
Note that libtaskotron-disposable depends on testcloud which will pull in several other non-trivial dependencies.
Using rpmlint as an example, the task repository contains the following:
Rpmlint runs off of koji builds, so to run it against the x86_64 build of foo-1.2-3.fc99 (substitute a real build if you’re going to run this):
runtask -i foo-1.2-3.fc99 -t koji_build -a x86_64 rpmlint.yml
The build will be downloaded to a local tempdir, rpmlint will be run against that build and the results will be printed to the console in Task result format.
While the default execution path will run tasks on a local machine, it is also possible to delegate task execution to a remote machine or spawn a disposable virtual machine for task execution.
To use a remote machine, use the --ssh <user>@<ip address>[:port] argument to runtask. This will signal the executor to connect to the indicated machine and execute tasks there instead of locally.
To use a disposable client vm, use --libvirt but note that the image available by default is very generic and this can add significantly to execution time.
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