koji - download builds and tags from koji


New in version 0.1.

The koji directive interfaces with Koji to facilitate various Koji actions.


This may end up being split into multiple koji download modules, one for builds and another directive for tags


parameter required default choices comments
arch yes
  • i386
  • x86_64
  • noarch
  • src
buildarch of builds to download from koji
command yes
  • tag
  • build
choose whether to download a single build or an entire tag
koji_build yes
    nevr of koji build to download
    koji_tag yes
      name of tag to download from koji
      target_dir yes ${workdir}
        directory in which to download builds


        Requires the koji package must be installed as an rpm, it can’t be installed via pip

        Return Values

        Returns a hashmap of {'downloaded_rpms': [file1, file2, ...]}


        Download the single build foo-1.0-2.fc99:

        - name: download foo
            action: download
            envr: foo-1.0-2.fc99

        Download the f99-updates-testing-tag to ${workdir}/tagdownload/:

        - name: download f99-updates-testing to tagdownload
            action: download_tag
            tag: f99-updates-testing-pending
            target_dir: ${workdir}/tagdownload