19:42:39,706 INFO loader: kernel command line: 19:42:39,707 INFO loader: initrd=initrd.img 19:42:39,708 INFO loader: askmethod 19:42:39,708 INFO loader: quiet 19:42:39,708 INFO loader: BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz 19:42:39,708 DEBUG loader: readNetInfo /tmp/s390net not found, early return 19:42:39,779 INFO loader: anaconda version 16.19 on i686 starting 19:42:39,792 INFO loader: 1048576 kB (1024 MB) are available 19:42:39,793 INFO loader: 1048576 kB (1024 MB) are available 19:42:43,076 DEBUG loader: going to set language to en_US.UTF-8 19:42:43,076 DEBUG loader: locale en_US.UTF-8: base: en_US, mod: (null), charset: UTF-8 19:42:43,076 INFO loader: going to prepare locales for en_US.UTF-8 (locale: en_US, charset: UTF-8) 19:42:45,557 INFO loader: setting language to en_US.UTF-8 19:42:45,577 DEBUG loader: Saving module iscsi_ibft 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module iscsi_boot_sysfs 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module pcspkr 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module edd 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module iscsi_tcp 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module libiscsi_tcp 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module libiscsi 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module scsi_transport_iscsi 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module cramfs 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module nouveau 19:42:45,578 DEBUG loader: Saving module ttm 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module drm_kms_helper 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module drm 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module e100 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module mii 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module i2c_algo_bit 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module i2c_core 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module mxm_wmi 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module wmi 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module video 19:42:45,579 DEBUG loader: Saving module squashfs 19:42:45,580 DEBUG loader: probing buses 19:42:45,669 DEBUG loader: waiting for hardware to initialize 19:42:48,804 INFO loader: restarting NetworkManager 19:42:49,321 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_LANG 19:43:10,951 DEBUG loader: going to set language to en_US.UTF-8 19:43:10,951 DEBUG loader: locale en_US.UTF-8: base: en_US, mod: (null), charset: UTF-8 19:43:10,951 INFO loader: going to prepare locales for en_US.UTF-8 (locale: en_US, charset: UTF-8) 19:43:13,177 INFO loader: setting language to en_US.UTF-8 19:43:13,181 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_KBD 19:43:13,181 INFO loader: 53 keymaps are available 19:43:13,951 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_METHOD 19:43:42,424 INFO loader: No iBFT table detected. 19:43:42,424 INFO loader: only have one network device: em1 19:43:42,547 INFO loader: doing kickstart... setting it up 19:43:42,549 DEBUG loader: activating device em1 19:43:45,680 INFO loader: wait_for_iface_activation (2013): device em1 activated 19:43:45,811 INFO loader: url is nfs: 19:43:45,811 DEBUG loader: parseNfsHostPathOpts url: || 19:43:45,811 DEBUG loader: parseNfsHostPathOpts host: || 19:43:45,811 DEBUG loader: parseNfsHostPathOpts path: |/srv/cobbler/repo_mirror/F16_i386/.treeinfo| 19:43:45,811 DEBUG loader: parseNfsHostPathOpts opts: || 19:43:45,811 INFO loader: file location: nfs: 19:43:46,509 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_DRIVER 19:43:46,509 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_NETWORK 19:43:46,627 DEBUG loader: in doLoaderMain, step = STEP_EXTRAS 19:43:46,627 DEBUG loader: in STEP_EXTRAS, method = METHOD_NFS 19:43:46,627 DEBUG loader: looking for extras for NFS install 19:43:46,627 DEBUG loader: parseNfsHostPathOpts url: || 19:43:46,628 DEBUG loader: parseNfsHostPathOpts host: || 19:43:46,628 DEBUG loader: parseNfsHostPathOpts path: |/srv/cobbler/repo_mirror/F16_i386| 19:43:46,628 DEBUG loader: parseNfsHostPathOpts opts: || 19:43:46,628 INFO loader: Looking for updates in 19:45:51,979 INFO loader: No RHupdates/ directory found, skipping 19:45:52,005 INFO loader: Looking for updates in nfs: 19:45:52,006 INFO loader: Looking for product in nfs: 19:45:52,382 INFO loader: Running anaconda script /usr/sbin/anaconda 19:45:54,105 INFO anaconda: /usr/sbin/anaconda 16.19 19:45:56,136 INFO loader: 1048576 kB (1024 MB) are available 19:45:56,156 INFO anaconda: anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda', '--graphical', '--selinux', '--lang', 'en_US.UTF-8', '--keymap', 'us', '--repo', 'nfs:'] 19:45:56,157 INFO anaconda: Default encoding = utf-8 19:45:56,194 INFO anaconda: Display mode = g 19:45:56,198 INFO loader: 1048576 kB (1024 MB) are available 19:45:57,560 DEBUG anaconda: X server has signalled a successful start. 19:45:57,563 INFO anaconda: Starting window manager, pid 873. 19:45:57,567 INFO anaconda.stdout: Starting graphical installation. 19:46:00,317 INFO anaconda: using only installclass _Fedora 19:46:00,320 INFO anaconda: Detected 1008M of memory 19:46:00,320 INFO anaconda: Swap attempt of 1008M to 2016M 19:46:02,598 INFO anaconda: set timezone: America/New_York, utc: 0 19:46:02,599 INFO anaconda: set timezone: America/New_York, utc: 0 19:46:04,977 INFO anaconda: dispatch: resetting to the first step. 19:46:04,978 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step sshd 19:46:04,979 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: sshd is a direct step 19:46:04,979 INFO anaconda: sshd: not enabled, skipping. 19:46:04,981 INFO anaconda: created new libuser.conf at /tmp/libuser.oSBV1Y with instPath="/mnt/sysimage" 19:46:04,982 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step sshd 19:46:04,983 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step betanag 19:46:04,984 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: betanag is a direct step 19:49:35,203 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step betanag 19:49:35,204 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step filtertype 19:49:36,785 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step filtertype 19:49:36,786 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step filter 19:49:36,824 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: the interface chose not to display step filter. 19:49:36,825 INFO anaconda: dispatch: leaving (1) step filter 19:49:36,826 INFO anaconda: dispatch: moving (1) to step storageinit 19:49:36,826 DEBUG anaconda: dispatch: storageinit is a direct step 19:49:36,988 INFO anaconda: ISCSID is /sbin/iscsid 19:49:36,990 INFO anaconda: no initiator set 19:49:37,178 INFO anaconda: No FCoE EDD info found: No FCoE boot disk information is found in EDD! 19:49:37,179 INFO anaconda: no /etc/zfcp.conf; not configuring zfcp 19:49:44,712 CRIT anaconda: anaconda 16.19 exception report Traceback (most recent call first): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py", line 753, in addUdevMDDevice "scanning all slaves" % name) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py", line 999, in addUdevDevice device = self.addUdevMDDevice(info) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py", line 1879, in _populate self.addUdevDevice(dev) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py", line 1836, in populate self._populate(progressWindow) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/__init__.py", line 475, in reset cleanupOnly=cleanupOnly) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/__init__.py", line 117, in storageInitialize storage.reset() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/dispatch.py", line 373, in dispatch self.dir = self.steps[self.step].target(self.anaconda) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/dispatch.py", line 241, in go_forward self.dispatch() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/gui.py", line 1203, in nextClicked self.anaconda.dispatch.go_forward() DeviceTreeError: MD RAID device md126 not in devicetree after scanning all slaves 19:52:46,812 CRIT anaconda: anaconda 16.19 exception report Traceback (most recent call first): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py", line 753, in addUdevMDDevice "scanning all slaves" % name) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py", line 999, in addUdevDevice device = self.addUdevMDDevice(info) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py", line 1879, in _populate self.addUdevDevice(dev) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/devicetree.py", line 1836, in populate self._populate(progressWindow) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/__init__.py", line 475, in reset cleanupOnly=cleanupOnly) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/storage/__init__.py", line 117, in storageInitialize storage.reset() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/dispatch.py", line 373, in dispatch self.dir = self.steps[self.step].target(self.anaconda) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/dispatch.py", line 241, in go_forward self.dispatch() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/gui.py", line 1203, in nextClicked self.anaconda.dispatch.go_forward() DeviceTreeError: MD RAID device md126 not in devicetree after scanning all slaves